Constitution of the Ohio State New Zealand Rabbit Breeders Association
Revised May 2014
Accepted by BOD May 2014
Approved by Assembly May 2014
Article I:
The name of this organization shall be The Ohio State New Zealand Rabbit Breeders Association. Here in after known as OSNZRBA.
Article II:
The Object of the OSNZRBA shall be to promote the breeding and exhibiting of New Zealand Rabbits by being of service to the members and adhering to the American Rabbit Breeders Association Standard of Perfection.
To advance the interest of the public and breeders by being a reliable source of information and an exemplary group to our associates. To advocate the use of pedigreed stock and the registration system of the American Rabbit Breeders Association. The OSNZRBA shall be a nonprofit organization.
Article III:
Section 1: The OSNZRBA shall be affiliated with the American Rabbit Breeders Association and The
American Federation of New Zealand Rabbit Breeders.
Section 2: The OSNZRBA will allow one (1) affiliated all New Zealand Youth Club, for youth members only (18 years old and younger), to operate under a separate charter but under the control of the OSNZRBA.
Article IV:
Section 1: Any person of good character and reputation who is in accord with the objectives of the OSNZRBA may become a member. A signed application and payment of at least one (1) year’s membership dues must
be submitted to the Secretary-Treasurer. The term of the membership will begin on the date of receipt of application and dues.
Section 2: Membership shall be acknowledged by the issuance of an OSNZRBA membership card and OSNZRBA
literature that may be available.
Section 3: Youth membership is open to applicants through eighteen (18) years of age.
Section 4: Adult members must be at least nineteen (19) years old.
Section 5: The Board of Directors reserves the right to accept or reject, for just cause, any application for membership or renewal.
Article V:
Section 1: The OSNZRBA shall have the authority to establish rules and regulations as may be necessary for the governing of its members.
Section 2: The OSNZRBA shall have the authority to require members to obey the rules and regulations of
the OSNZRBA and to inflict penalties as it may deem necessary.
Section 3: Roberts’s rules of order shall be considered the final authority of the OSNZRBA on all questions
not specifically covered by the Constitution and By-Laws.
Article VI:
Section 1: The officers of the OSNZRBA shall consist of a President, Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer, and eight (8) Directors. These officers shall constitute the Board of Directors. The President, Vice-President
and Secretary-Treasurer shall constitute the Executive Board.
Section 2: President, Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer and eight (8) Directors shall be elected from and by the voting membership by mail ballot.
Section 3: Officers of the OSNZRBA must be a resident of the state of Ohio.
Section 4: Officers shall serve for two (2) years or until their successors are elected. The President
and four (4) Directors shall be elected on even years. The Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer, and four (4) Directors shall be elected on odd years.
Section 5: The term of office of those elected shall begin January 1st of the year following the election.
Section 6: No Member will be allowed to hold more than one office at a time.
Section 7: Any incumbent Officer or Director of the OSNZRBA may become a candidate for a higher office
than the one they currently hold but if elected to that office they must resign their current office when accepting the new position.
Section 8: Vacancies in any office shall be filled by appointment by the President, subject to the approval
of the Board of Directors.
Section 9: Any Officer or Director who becomes delinquent in making payment of membership dues, to the
OSNZRBA or the American Rabbit Breeders Association, shall be notified by the Secretary-Treasurer by Certified Mail, return receipt requested, signed only by the addressee. If the Officer or Director fails to renew, within 30 days of this notice, the President shall be notified and the office held by the Officer or Director shall be declared vacant.
Section 10: All candidates for office are required to be actively breeding and exhibiting New Zealand rabbits before accepting nomination for office and during their full term of office.
Section 11: Any Officer or Director that stops breeding or exhibiting New Zealand rabbits during their
term of office shall voluntarily resign their office. If they fail to do so, the Board of Directors shall declare the office vacant.
Section 12: If an Officer or Director moves their residence out of the state of Ohio, they shall voluntarily resign office. If they fail to do so, the Board of Directors shall declare the office vacant.
Article VII: Committees
Section 1: The President shall appoint all committee members when he/she takes office and shall replace
any committee member when deemed necessary.
Section 2: Standing committees shall include the following;
A. Constitution Committee
B. Special Awards Committee
C. Rabbit Sale Committee
D. Scholarship Committee
E. Audit Committee
F. Youth Committee
Section 3: Special Committees shall be appointed by the President whenever he/she believes they are
Article VIII:
Section 1: The annual meeting shall be held at the spring show.
Section 2: The Board of Directors shall hold meetings as necessary, provided a quorum is present. Six
6) Board members shall constitute a quorum.
Section 3: A special meeting of the Board of Directors can be called upon by written petition of six
(6) officers or twenty (20) adult dues paying members. At said meeting, only business stated in the petition may be transacted or discussed.
Article IX: Amendments
Section 1: This Constitution may be amended by a two-third (2/3) majority of votes cast by mail
ballot of the entire membership. All members are to be notified in writing thirty (30) days prior to the closing of the polls of the proposed amendment(s) and furnished a ballot.
Ohio State New Zealand Rabbit Breeders Association By-Laws
Revised May 2014
Accepted by BOD May 2014
Approved by Assembly May 2014
Article I: Dues
Section 1: Memberships
A. New and renewal, single adult and single youth membership shall pay a fee of eight dollars ($8) per annum.
B. New and renewal, adult husband and wife membership shall pay a fee of ten dollars ($10) per annum.
C. New and renewal, family membership shall pay a fee of twelve dollars ($12) per annum.
Section 2: Members who pay dues more than thirty (30) days after due will forfeit sweepstakes show points
for the current sweepstakes and privileges previously earned. When dues are paid after this thirty (30) day period, applicant will be considered a new member and membership shall be dated as of date dues are resumed.
Article II:
Section 1: The Secretary-Treasurer shall receive three hundred and sixty-five dollars ($365) per annum to defray personal expenses incurred, paid at the first of each year (Jan. 1).
Section 2: The Editor shall receive three hundred and sixty dollars ($360) per annum to defray personal
expenses incurred, paid sixty dollars ($60) for each newsletter printing.
Article III:
Section 1: All adult members in good standing shall have the right to vote in person at meetings of
Section 2: All adult members shall have the right to vote by mailed ballot for election of Officers
and Directors or any matters submitted to the Assembly for vote by mailed ballot.
Section 3: Members will not be allowed to vote by proxy.
Section 4: Any adult member in good standing for 2 continuous years living in the state of Ohio and actively breeding and exhibiting New Zealand rabbits, may run for office in this club.
Section 5: Any adult Member in good standing may nominate them self or any other Club Member (as long as
they meet all of the requirements of Article III, Section 4 above) for any office to be filled in the current year’s election.
Section 6: No Youth members shall be eligible to nominate members for election to any OSNZRBA office or
sign petitions for proposed amendments to the OSNZRBA Constitution or By-laws.
Section 7: Nominations for office(s) will be open until July 1st of the election year unless otherwise closed by vote of the membership.
Section 8: No member will be allowed to be a candidate for more than one office in any election.
Article IV: Ballots
Section 1: The Secretary-Treasurer will mail all ballots out to adult members by October 15th of the current year.
Section 2: Ballots shall be returned to the Election Chairperson.
A. Ballots returned by mail must be postmarked no later than November 1.
B. The Election Chairperson shall count all acceptable ballots and send all ballots and 4 a statement of the results to the Secretary-Treasurer.
C. Such statement to be retained for one (1) year in the event there should be any questions concerning the vote or process.
Section 3: Facsimiles, reproductions or altered ballots shall not be acceptable ballots and shall be declared void.
A. The Secretary shall hold voided ballots for (1) one year along with acceptable ballots.
B. To determine their validity, voided ballots shall be reviewed by the Board of Directors at the first meeting following the election.
C. If acceptance of any voided ballots by the Board of Directors reverses results of the election the Election Chairperson’s report to the Secretary-Treasurer shall be designated as unofficial.
D. The Board of Directors shall determine the official vote count after reviewing the voided ballots.
Section 4: Members who submit their membership as a family membership shall have two (2) votes (if
membership includes two adult members).
Section 5: A husband and wife membership shall have two (2) votes (if both are eligible for adult
Section 6: A single Adult membership shall have one (1) vote.
Section 7: Youth shall not have a vote.
Section 8: The Election Chairperson or any member of his/her immediate family cannot be a candidate for
office on the ballot they are collecting
Section 9: In the event of a tie between two (2) or more candidates for the same office, selection shall be
made by vote of the Board of Directors from the persons so tied.
A. If either or both of the candidates tied are Board Incumbents, they shall abstain from the vote.
Section 10: Should any candidate for an elected office be unopposed, there shall be no election ballot
issued for that particular office and the unopposed candidate shall be declared elected to said office by acclimation.
Article V:
Section 1: Any Member may file charges of misconduct against any other Member.
A. The charges must be made in writing and filed with the Secretary-Treasurer.
B. The Secretary-Treasurer will immediately notify the Board of Directors of such
Section 2: Any Member against whom charges have been made shall be furnished a complete statement of
the charges by the Secretary and shall be allowed thirty (30) days to file a reply.
Section 3: The charges, together with the reply, if any is received, shall be furnished each Member of
the Board of Directors for consideration.
A. The Board of Directors may, by two-thirds (2/3) majority vote, suspend or expel the Member.
B. Less than two-thirds (2/3) majority vote shall constitute a finding of “not sustained” of the charges.
Section 4: Upon a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Board of Directors, to suspend membership,
any person suspended may be eligible for reinstatement after a period of one (1) year.
Section 5: Upon two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Board of Directors, to expel a member, any person
expelled may be eligible for reinstatement after a period of three (3) years.
Section 6: Suspended or expelled Members will be banned from admission to all OSNZRBA sponsored shows,
meetings and activities.
Section 7: Suspended or expelled Members loose all rights as a member of the OSNZRBA.
Section 8: An Officer or Director who fails to fulfill the obligations or duties of their office or shows a lack of interest in Club matters shall be asked to resign voluntarily by the President. If the Officer or Director fails to do so the Board of Directors, by a two-third (2/3) majority vote, will declare the office vacant.
Article VI: Reinstatement Procedure
Section 1: Any suspended or expelled Member must petition the Board of Directors, in writing, of their
intention to rejoin the OSNZRBA, at least ninety (90) days prior to the end of their suspension or expulsion period.
A. Upon receipt of petition the Board of Directors shall, by majority vote, reinstate
said member or continue their suspension or expulsion for another suspension or expulsion period.
Article VII: Parliamentary Authority
Section 1: In order to transact business at any General or Special meeting of the Membership, there
must be a quorum of at least ten (10) adult voting members present. The quorum number ten (10) shall not include the Club Officers, Directors or Youth Members.
Section 2: Unless otherwise provided in the OSNZRBA constitution or by-laws, Robert’s Rules of Order shall
govern the transaction of all business and meetings.
Article VIII: OSNZRBA Shows
Section 1: The OSNZRBA will try to sponsor three shows per year;
A. Spring New Zealand Specialty Show
B. All New Zealand Picnic Show
C. Fall New Zealand Specialty Show
Section 2: Rabbit Sales Committee with the Co-Operation from the OSSNZRBA or donors, will try to have a Rabbit Sale following the OSNZRBA Spring Specialty Show and Fall Specialty Show. The OSNZRBA and seller will split the proceeds 50/50 up to the OSNZRBA receiving $500.00. After the $500.00 the seller will receive the remaining amount.
Section 3: Rabbit Sales Committee has
the option of a Rabbit Sale after the OSNZRBA Fall Specialty Show if they have
any participation members and/or donors. Monies will be divided up the same as
in Section 2.
Section 4: The OSNZRBA Picnic
Show Rabbit Sale will be run by the OSNZRBA Youth Club, with all proceeds going
to their destination.
Article IX: Sweepstakes
Section 1: Only current paid up members in good standing will be allowed to compete in OSNZRBA
Section 2: OSNZRBA sweepstakes points will only be given for New Zealand rabbits shown in
OSNZRBA sanctioned rabbit shows.
Section 3: Youth will have the same show and sweepstakes rules as adults except as mentioned in these
Section 4: If Youth members show in Adult (open) shows they will receive Adult (open) Sweepstakes
Section 5: Youth and adult (open) sweepstakes points cannot be combined.
Section 6: Sweepstakes will start on January 1st and end on December 31st.
Section 7: All OSNZRBA specialty shows will give double OSNZRBA sweepstakes points in all
Section 8: There will be a New Zealand meat pen, New Zealand Single Fryer and New Zealand Roaster sweepstakes with all
recognized New Zealand varieties combined for points.
A. Sweepstakes points for meat pens will be counted the same as one class in a
B. No sweepstakes points will be given for BOV, BOSOV, BOB or BOSOB in meat pens.
C. Only New Zealand rabbits will receive OSNZRBA meat pen sweepstakes points.
D. New Zealand meat pen rabbits will compete against all breeds shown in meat pens at ARBA
sanctioned all breed shows.
E. New Zealand meat pen rabbits will only compete against New Zealand rabbits in OSNZRBA
specialty shows.
Section 9: There will be separate sweepstakes for all recognized New Zealand varieties and meat pen and
single fryer in both open and youth sweepstakes.
Section 10: Sweepstakes Points shall be counted as follows;
6 points times’ number in class for first.
4 points times’ number in class for second.
3 points times’ number in class for third.
2 points times number in class for forth.
1 point times number in class for fifth.
Best of Variety – 1 point for each rabbit in the variety.
Best Opposite of Variety–1/2 point for each rabbit in the variety.
Section 11: Sweepstakes awards will be given yearly for the top three (3) places in each recognized New
Zealand variety and in New Zealand meat pen and New Zealand single fryer.
Section 12: OSNZRBA sweepstakes rules will not conflict with any ARBA show rules.
Article X:
Section 1. Hall of Fame: Four categories that are to be considered.
1. Number of years in OSNZRBA (At least 12 years).
2. Reputation as a top breeder for many years.
3. Accomplishment as an exhibitor.
4. Service to club, i.e., judge, registrar, show record. One does not have to fare well in all of
these areas, but must excel in several.
Officers of the OSNZRBA (11) to elect the nominee(s)
Section 2. New Zealand Person of the Year. Three categories that are to be considered.
1. Service to the club including ARBA.
2. General all around reputation on a state and national level.
3. Sportsmanship– from January 1 to December 31.
Can not win two (2) years in a row. Members nominate in writing to Special Awards Committee by March 1st.
All (11) officers vote secret ballots. If, tie re-vote on persons tied only.
Section 3. New Zealand Show Person of the Year. Two (2) categories that are to be considered.
1. Support:
a. Number of shows
b. Number of rabbits showed per show.
c. Sportsmanship & Showmanship.
2. Wins:
a. Wins –BOV, BOSV, BOB, BOS and BIS
b. State sweepstakes standings. From January 1 to December 31. Can not win two (2) years in a row.
Members nominate in writing to Special Awards Committee by March 1. All (11) Officers vote secret ballots.
If, tie re-vote on persons tie only.
Section 4.
These awards do not have to be awarded each year if no one is worthy of an award in each section above.
Section 5
To win you must win Best of Variety in any of the four varieties. You must win Best of Variety with the same variety in all three (3) State Show, Spring Picnic, and Fall. A $50.00 will be awarded and plaque be presented to any member accomplishing this feat at the Spring Show the following year. An additional $50.00 paid to the same winner provided that he/she won Best of Breed at all three (3) shows,. This Triple Crown series is for open and youth classes. The youth will be responsible for the youth award and open will be responsible for the open award.
Article XI: Duties
Section 1: President.
The President shall preside at all meetings of the OSNZRBA; shall act as the Chairperson of the Board of Directors with full power and prerogatives; shall appoint and oversee all committees; shall call special meetings of the Membership or of the Board of Directors in accordance with the Constitution and By-Laws; shall perform other duties as usually pertain to the office; shall have such other powers as may be conferred by the Board of Directors at any meeting of such Board; shall be an ex-officio member of all committees; shall fill all vacancies of Officers or Directors until the next election.
Section 2: Vice-President.
The duties of the Vice-President shall be the same as those of the President, in the event of the absence or disability of the President.
Section 3: Secretary-Treasurer.
The Secretary-Treasurer shall collect and keep account of all monies due the OSNZRBA; shall pay such accounts as are named herein; shall make reports to the Board of Directors and Membership; shall pay all accounts
due as authorized by the Board of Directors; shall receive and act upon all applications for membership; shall notify all members of impending expiration of their membership; shall keep accurate records of all meetings; shall act promptly on all correspondence directed to the office; shall consult the Board of Directors on matters of OSNZRBA policy; shall keep a complete and up-to-date membership list, including current addresses; shall maintain a set of books in a manner acceptable to the Board of Directors; shall submit periodical
financial reports to the Membership at meetings; shall submit an annual report to the Board of Directors; shall be custodian of all funds; shall maintain a bank account in the name of the OSNZRBA; shall accept and keep a record of all monies turned over to his/her office and of other income from any source; shall be bonded in favor of the OSNZRBA in an amount to be set by the OSNZRBA Board of Directors (cost of the bond for the Secretary-Treasurer will be paid by the OSNZRBA); Secretary-Treasurer will deliver bond to the OSNZRBA President prior
to assuming office; failure to furnish bond within prescribed time shall automatically disqualify Secretary-Treasurer for the office.
Section 4: Directors.
Directors shall serve as members of the Board of Directors; shall have the power to transact all OSNZBA business between meetings; shall act upon charges brought before them; shall formulate rules, regulations and policy of the OSNZRBA; shall attend Board meetings; shall be expected to write Articles for the Newsletter; Decisions of the Board of Directors shall fall within the guidelines of the constitution and by-laws and shall in no way place the OSNZRBA in debt.
Section 5: Members.
Members will support OSNZRBA functions and projects; will encourage and solicit new membership; will be honest and show good sportsmanship; will obey all OSNZRBA rules; will abide by the constitution and by laws of the OSNZRBA; will not be a detriment to the OSNZRBA or any OSNZRBA supported projects.
Article XII: Amendments
Section 1: These By-laws may be amended at any annual meeting by two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of
all Members present, providing there are at least twenty-five (25) adult Members present and provided the proposed amendment(s) appeared in the official Newsletter immediately prior to such meeting.
Accepted by BOD May 2014
Approved by Assembly May 2014
Article I:
The name of this organization shall be The Ohio State New Zealand Rabbit Breeders Association. Here in after known as OSNZRBA.
Article II:
The Object of the OSNZRBA shall be to promote the breeding and exhibiting of New Zealand Rabbits by being of service to the members and adhering to the American Rabbit Breeders Association Standard of Perfection.
To advance the interest of the public and breeders by being a reliable source of information and an exemplary group to our associates. To advocate the use of pedigreed stock and the registration system of the American Rabbit Breeders Association. The OSNZRBA shall be a nonprofit organization.
Article III:
Section 1: The OSNZRBA shall be affiliated with the American Rabbit Breeders Association and The
American Federation of New Zealand Rabbit Breeders.
Section 2: The OSNZRBA will allow one (1) affiliated all New Zealand Youth Club, for youth members only (18 years old and younger), to operate under a separate charter but under the control of the OSNZRBA.
Article IV:
Section 1: Any person of good character and reputation who is in accord with the objectives of the OSNZRBA may become a member. A signed application and payment of at least one (1) year’s membership dues must
be submitted to the Secretary-Treasurer. The term of the membership will begin on the date of receipt of application and dues.
Section 2: Membership shall be acknowledged by the issuance of an OSNZRBA membership card and OSNZRBA
literature that may be available.
Section 3: Youth membership is open to applicants through eighteen (18) years of age.
Section 4: Adult members must be at least nineteen (19) years old.
Section 5: The Board of Directors reserves the right to accept or reject, for just cause, any application for membership or renewal.
Article V:
Section 1: The OSNZRBA shall have the authority to establish rules and regulations as may be necessary for the governing of its members.
Section 2: The OSNZRBA shall have the authority to require members to obey the rules and regulations of
the OSNZRBA and to inflict penalties as it may deem necessary.
Section 3: Roberts’s rules of order shall be considered the final authority of the OSNZRBA on all questions
not specifically covered by the Constitution and By-Laws.
Article VI:
Section 1: The officers of the OSNZRBA shall consist of a President, Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer, and eight (8) Directors. These officers shall constitute the Board of Directors. The President, Vice-President
and Secretary-Treasurer shall constitute the Executive Board.
Section 2: President, Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer and eight (8) Directors shall be elected from and by the voting membership by mail ballot.
Section 3: Officers of the OSNZRBA must be a resident of the state of Ohio.
Section 4: Officers shall serve for two (2) years or until their successors are elected. The President
and four (4) Directors shall be elected on even years. The Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer, and four (4) Directors shall be elected on odd years.
Section 5: The term of office of those elected shall begin January 1st of the year following the election.
Section 6: No Member will be allowed to hold more than one office at a time.
Section 7: Any incumbent Officer or Director of the OSNZRBA may become a candidate for a higher office
than the one they currently hold but if elected to that office they must resign their current office when accepting the new position.
Section 8: Vacancies in any office shall be filled by appointment by the President, subject to the approval
of the Board of Directors.
Section 9: Any Officer or Director who becomes delinquent in making payment of membership dues, to the
OSNZRBA or the American Rabbit Breeders Association, shall be notified by the Secretary-Treasurer by Certified Mail, return receipt requested, signed only by the addressee. If the Officer or Director fails to renew, within 30 days of this notice, the President shall be notified and the office held by the Officer or Director shall be declared vacant.
Section 10: All candidates for office are required to be actively breeding and exhibiting New Zealand rabbits before accepting nomination for office and during their full term of office.
Section 11: Any Officer or Director that stops breeding or exhibiting New Zealand rabbits during their
term of office shall voluntarily resign their office. If they fail to do so, the Board of Directors shall declare the office vacant.
Section 12: If an Officer or Director moves their residence out of the state of Ohio, they shall voluntarily resign office. If they fail to do so, the Board of Directors shall declare the office vacant.
Article VII: Committees
Section 1: The President shall appoint all committee members when he/she takes office and shall replace
any committee member when deemed necessary.
Section 2: Standing committees shall include the following;
A. Constitution Committee
B. Special Awards Committee
C. Rabbit Sale Committee
D. Scholarship Committee
E. Audit Committee
F. Youth Committee
Section 3: Special Committees shall be appointed by the President whenever he/she believes they are
Article VIII:
Section 1: The annual meeting shall be held at the spring show.
Section 2: The Board of Directors shall hold meetings as necessary, provided a quorum is present. Six
6) Board members shall constitute a quorum.
Section 3: A special meeting of the Board of Directors can be called upon by written petition of six
(6) officers or twenty (20) adult dues paying members. At said meeting, only business stated in the petition may be transacted or discussed.
Article IX: Amendments
Section 1: This Constitution may be amended by a two-third (2/3) majority of votes cast by mail
ballot of the entire membership. All members are to be notified in writing thirty (30) days prior to the closing of the polls of the proposed amendment(s) and furnished a ballot.
Ohio State New Zealand Rabbit Breeders Association By-Laws
Revised May 2014
Accepted by BOD May 2014
Approved by Assembly May 2014
Article I: Dues
Section 1: Memberships
A. New and renewal, single adult and single youth membership shall pay a fee of eight dollars ($8) per annum.
B. New and renewal, adult husband and wife membership shall pay a fee of ten dollars ($10) per annum.
C. New and renewal, family membership shall pay a fee of twelve dollars ($12) per annum.
Section 2: Members who pay dues more than thirty (30) days after due will forfeit sweepstakes show points
for the current sweepstakes and privileges previously earned. When dues are paid after this thirty (30) day period, applicant will be considered a new member and membership shall be dated as of date dues are resumed.
Article II:
Section 1: The Secretary-Treasurer shall receive three hundred and sixty-five dollars ($365) per annum to defray personal expenses incurred, paid at the first of each year (Jan. 1).
Section 2: The Editor shall receive three hundred and sixty dollars ($360) per annum to defray personal
expenses incurred, paid sixty dollars ($60) for each newsletter printing.
Article III:
Section 1: All adult members in good standing shall have the right to vote in person at meetings of
Section 2: All adult members shall have the right to vote by mailed ballot for election of Officers
and Directors or any matters submitted to the Assembly for vote by mailed ballot.
Section 3: Members will not be allowed to vote by proxy.
Section 4: Any adult member in good standing for 2 continuous years living in the state of Ohio and actively breeding and exhibiting New Zealand rabbits, may run for office in this club.
Section 5: Any adult Member in good standing may nominate them self or any other Club Member (as long as
they meet all of the requirements of Article III, Section 4 above) for any office to be filled in the current year’s election.
Section 6: No Youth members shall be eligible to nominate members for election to any OSNZRBA office or
sign petitions for proposed amendments to the OSNZRBA Constitution or By-laws.
Section 7: Nominations for office(s) will be open until July 1st of the election year unless otherwise closed by vote of the membership.
Section 8: No member will be allowed to be a candidate for more than one office in any election.
Article IV: Ballots
Section 1: The Secretary-Treasurer will mail all ballots out to adult members by October 15th of the current year.
Section 2: Ballots shall be returned to the Election Chairperson.
A. Ballots returned by mail must be postmarked no later than November 1.
B. The Election Chairperson shall count all acceptable ballots and send all ballots and 4 a statement of the results to the Secretary-Treasurer.
C. Such statement to be retained for one (1) year in the event there should be any questions concerning the vote or process.
Section 3: Facsimiles, reproductions or altered ballots shall not be acceptable ballots and shall be declared void.
A. The Secretary shall hold voided ballots for (1) one year along with acceptable ballots.
B. To determine their validity, voided ballots shall be reviewed by the Board of Directors at the first meeting following the election.
C. If acceptance of any voided ballots by the Board of Directors reverses results of the election the Election Chairperson’s report to the Secretary-Treasurer shall be designated as unofficial.
D. The Board of Directors shall determine the official vote count after reviewing the voided ballots.
Section 4: Members who submit their membership as a family membership shall have two (2) votes (if
membership includes two adult members).
Section 5: A husband and wife membership shall have two (2) votes (if both are eligible for adult
Section 6: A single Adult membership shall have one (1) vote.
Section 7: Youth shall not have a vote.
Section 8: The Election Chairperson or any member of his/her immediate family cannot be a candidate for
office on the ballot they are collecting
Section 9: In the event of a tie between two (2) or more candidates for the same office, selection shall be
made by vote of the Board of Directors from the persons so tied.
A. If either or both of the candidates tied are Board Incumbents, they shall abstain from the vote.
Section 10: Should any candidate for an elected office be unopposed, there shall be no election ballot
issued for that particular office and the unopposed candidate shall be declared elected to said office by acclimation.
Article V:
Section 1: Any Member may file charges of misconduct against any other Member.
A. The charges must be made in writing and filed with the Secretary-Treasurer.
B. The Secretary-Treasurer will immediately notify the Board of Directors of such
Section 2: Any Member against whom charges have been made shall be furnished a complete statement of
the charges by the Secretary and shall be allowed thirty (30) days to file a reply.
Section 3: The charges, together with the reply, if any is received, shall be furnished each Member of
the Board of Directors for consideration.
A. The Board of Directors may, by two-thirds (2/3) majority vote, suspend or expel the Member.
B. Less than two-thirds (2/3) majority vote shall constitute a finding of “not sustained” of the charges.
Section 4: Upon a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Board of Directors, to suspend membership,
any person suspended may be eligible for reinstatement after a period of one (1) year.
Section 5: Upon two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Board of Directors, to expel a member, any person
expelled may be eligible for reinstatement after a period of three (3) years.
Section 6: Suspended or expelled Members will be banned from admission to all OSNZRBA sponsored shows,
meetings and activities.
Section 7: Suspended or expelled Members loose all rights as a member of the OSNZRBA.
Section 8: An Officer or Director who fails to fulfill the obligations or duties of their office or shows a lack of interest in Club matters shall be asked to resign voluntarily by the President. If the Officer or Director fails to do so the Board of Directors, by a two-third (2/3) majority vote, will declare the office vacant.
Article VI: Reinstatement Procedure
Section 1: Any suspended or expelled Member must petition the Board of Directors, in writing, of their
intention to rejoin the OSNZRBA, at least ninety (90) days prior to the end of their suspension or expulsion period.
A. Upon receipt of petition the Board of Directors shall, by majority vote, reinstate
said member or continue their suspension or expulsion for another suspension or expulsion period.
Article VII: Parliamentary Authority
Section 1: In order to transact business at any General or Special meeting of the Membership, there
must be a quorum of at least ten (10) adult voting members present. The quorum number ten (10) shall not include the Club Officers, Directors or Youth Members.
Section 2: Unless otherwise provided in the OSNZRBA constitution or by-laws, Robert’s Rules of Order shall
govern the transaction of all business and meetings.
Article VIII: OSNZRBA Shows
Section 1: The OSNZRBA will try to sponsor three shows per year;
A. Spring New Zealand Specialty Show
B. All New Zealand Picnic Show
C. Fall New Zealand Specialty Show
Section 2: Rabbit Sales Committee with the Co-Operation from the OSSNZRBA or donors, will try to have a Rabbit Sale following the OSNZRBA Spring Specialty Show and Fall Specialty Show. The OSNZRBA and seller will split the proceeds 50/50 up to the OSNZRBA receiving $500.00. After the $500.00 the seller will receive the remaining amount.
Section 3: Rabbit Sales Committee has
the option of a Rabbit Sale after the OSNZRBA Fall Specialty Show if they have
any participation members and/or donors. Monies will be divided up the same as
in Section 2.
Section 4: The OSNZRBA Picnic
Show Rabbit Sale will be run by the OSNZRBA Youth Club, with all proceeds going
to their destination.
Article IX: Sweepstakes
Section 1: Only current paid up members in good standing will be allowed to compete in OSNZRBA
Section 2: OSNZRBA sweepstakes points will only be given for New Zealand rabbits shown in
OSNZRBA sanctioned rabbit shows.
Section 3: Youth will have the same show and sweepstakes rules as adults except as mentioned in these
Section 4: If Youth members show in Adult (open) shows they will receive Adult (open) Sweepstakes
Section 5: Youth and adult (open) sweepstakes points cannot be combined.
Section 6: Sweepstakes will start on January 1st and end on December 31st.
Section 7: All OSNZRBA specialty shows will give double OSNZRBA sweepstakes points in all
Section 8: There will be a New Zealand meat pen, New Zealand Single Fryer and New Zealand Roaster sweepstakes with all
recognized New Zealand varieties combined for points.
A. Sweepstakes points for meat pens will be counted the same as one class in a
B. No sweepstakes points will be given for BOV, BOSOV, BOB or BOSOB in meat pens.
C. Only New Zealand rabbits will receive OSNZRBA meat pen sweepstakes points.
D. New Zealand meat pen rabbits will compete against all breeds shown in meat pens at ARBA
sanctioned all breed shows.
E. New Zealand meat pen rabbits will only compete against New Zealand rabbits in OSNZRBA
specialty shows.
Section 9: There will be separate sweepstakes for all recognized New Zealand varieties and meat pen and
single fryer in both open and youth sweepstakes.
Section 10: Sweepstakes Points shall be counted as follows;
6 points times’ number in class for first.
4 points times’ number in class for second.
3 points times’ number in class for third.
2 points times number in class for forth.
1 point times number in class for fifth.
Best of Variety – 1 point for each rabbit in the variety.
Best Opposite of Variety–1/2 point for each rabbit in the variety.
Section 11: Sweepstakes awards will be given yearly for the top three (3) places in each recognized New
Zealand variety and in New Zealand meat pen and New Zealand single fryer.
Section 12: OSNZRBA sweepstakes rules will not conflict with any ARBA show rules.
Article X:
Section 1. Hall of Fame: Four categories that are to be considered.
1. Number of years in OSNZRBA (At least 12 years).
2. Reputation as a top breeder for many years.
3. Accomplishment as an exhibitor.
4. Service to club, i.e., judge, registrar, show record. One does not have to fare well in all of
these areas, but must excel in several.
Officers of the OSNZRBA (11) to elect the nominee(s)
Section 2. New Zealand Person of the Year. Three categories that are to be considered.
1. Service to the club including ARBA.
2. General all around reputation on a state and national level.
3. Sportsmanship– from January 1 to December 31.
Can not win two (2) years in a row. Members nominate in writing to Special Awards Committee by March 1st.
All (11) officers vote secret ballots. If, tie re-vote on persons tied only.
Section 3. New Zealand Show Person of the Year. Two (2) categories that are to be considered.
1. Support:
a. Number of shows
b. Number of rabbits showed per show.
c. Sportsmanship & Showmanship.
2. Wins:
a. Wins –BOV, BOSV, BOB, BOS and BIS
b. State sweepstakes standings. From January 1 to December 31. Can not win two (2) years in a row.
Members nominate in writing to Special Awards Committee by March 1. All (11) Officers vote secret ballots.
If, tie re-vote on persons tie only.
Section 4.
These awards do not have to be awarded each year if no one is worthy of an award in each section above.
Section 5
To win you must win Best of Variety in any of the four varieties. You must win Best of Variety with the same variety in all three (3) State Show, Spring Picnic, and Fall. A $50.00 will be awarded and plaque be presented to any member accomplishing this feat at the Spring Show the following year. An additional $50.00 paid to the same winner provided that he/she won Best of Breed at all three (3) shows,. This Triple Crown series is for open and youth classes. The youth will be responsible for the youth award and open will be responsible for the open award.
Article XI: Duties
Section 1: President.
The President shall preside at all meetings of the OSNZRBA; shall act as the Chairperson of the Board of Directors with full power and prerogatives; shall appoint and oversee all committees; shall call special meetings of the Membership or of the Board of Directors in accordance with the Constitution and By-Laws; shall perform other duties as usually pertain to the office; shall have such other powers as may be conferred by the Board of Directors at any meeting of such Board; shall be an ex-officio member of all committees; shall fill all vacancies of Officers or Directors until the next election.
Section 2: Vice-President.
The duties of the Vice-President shall be the same as those of the President, in the event of the absence or disability of the President.
Section 3: Secretary-Treasurer.
The Secretary-Treasurer shall collect and keep account of all monies due the OSNZRBA; shall pay such accounts as are named herein; shall make reports to the Board of Directors and Membership; shall pay all accounts
due as authorized by the Board of Directors; shall receive and act upon all applications for membership; shall notify all members of impending expiration of their membership; shall keep accurate records of all meetings; shall act promptly on all correspondence directed to the office; shall consult the Board of Directors on matters of OSNZRBA policy; shall keep a complete and up-to-date membership list, including current addresses; shall maintain a set of books in a manner acceptable to the Board of Directors; shall submit periodical
financial reports to the Membership at meetings; shall submit an annual report to the Board of Directors; shall be custodian of all funds; shall maintain a bank account in the name of the OSNZRBA; shall accept and keep a record of all monies turned over to his/her office and of other income from any source; shall be bonded in favor of the OSNZRBA in an amount to be set by the OSNZRBA Board of Directors (cost of the bond for the Secretary-Treasurer will be paid by the OSNZRBA); Secretary-Treasurer will deliver bond to the OSNZRBA President prior
to assuming office; failure to furnish bond within prescribed time shall automatically disqualify Secretary-Treasurer for the office.
Section 4: Directors.
Directors shall serve as members of the Board of Directors; shall have the power to transact all OSNZBA business between meetings; shall act upon charges brought before them; shall formulate rules, regulations and policy of the OSNZRBA; shall attend Board meetings; shall be expected to write Articles for the Newsletter; Decisions of the Board of Directors shall fall within the guidelines of the constitution and by-laws and shall in no way place the OSNZRBA in debt.
Section 5: Members.
Members will support OSNZRBA functions and projects; will encourage and solicit new membership; will be honest and show good sportsmanship; will obey all OSNZRBA rules; will abide by the constitution and by laws of the OSNZRBA; will not be a detriment to the OSNZRBA or any OSNZRBA supported projects.
Article XII: Amendments
Section 1: These By-laws may be amended at any annual meeting by two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of
all Members present, providing there are at least twenty-five (25) adult Members present and provided the proposed amendment(s) appeared in the official Newsletter immediately prior to such meeting.