OSNZRBA Committee 2023
Constitution: Election: Special Awards: Scholarship: Show Awards: Show Committee: Audit: Rabbit Sale: Youth Leader: Youth Special Awards: Open Show Secretary: Youth Show Secretary: Sweepstakes Tabulator: Judges: Silent Auction: Newsletter: Website: Market Rabbit: |
Person(s) Assigned
Ed Boutwell and Chris Boes Chris Boes, Ryan Lentz, Donnie Swayne, Cindy Harper Ed Boutwell and Joe Chestnut Ryan Lentz, Cindy Harper, Kristy Kyle Jolene Naff, Jane Jess, and Amanda Hutcheson All Directors and Officers Ed Boutwell and Donnie Swayne Ryan Lentz, Chris Boes, Joe Chestnut, Preston Simmons Jane Jess and Jolene Naff Jane Jess, Joe Chestnut, and Jolene Naff Amanda Hutcheson Amanda Hutcheson Amanda Hutcheson and Ryan Lentz Donnie Swayne, Chris Boes, Jane Jess, Jolene Naff Chris Boes, Cindy Harper, Kristy Kyle Jolene Naff Jolene Naff Jane Jess, Jolene Naff, Ryan Lentz, Preston Simmons Note: 1st name on committee denotes chairperson |